Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

CommitmentsThis may come as a shock to some of you, but the worst month to make a commitment and not keep it is the month of January.  The other months that are equally as bad are February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and yes even December.

That’s right folks, there’s no good time to not keep your commitments.  Letting your “Yes” mean “Yes” and your “No” mean “No” is a character trait that’s shared by only a fortunate, faithful few.

Throughout this “life” thing I’ve observed a countless number of people who often times remind me of the lyrics to an old Keith Sweat song that says, “I’m gonna, I’m gonna, I’m gonna…” but they almost never do.  So a good question today is, are you a member of the exclusive Commitment Keeper Club?  Or, are you guilty of letting your mouth write checks that your actions can’t cash.

Do others regard you as a man or woman of your word?  Can you be trusted to say what you’re going to do and then actually do what you say?  Hmmm…  No need to answer out loud or raise your hand, just hear and understand.

In the battle between those who follow-through on their commitments and those who just let their commitments fall through, I trust that you’re on the right side.   I hope and pray that years from now down the road of commitment you will still have the same level of passion, excitement and resolve that you had the day you started the journey.

So, I encourage you to keep leaning forward in the days ahead and make this week so awesome that last week gets insanely jealous.  Keep those commitments Monday through Sunday and every month of the year and let’s make it GREAT.

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Courage (Defined)I’ve been thinking lately about this one thing that I wish I saw more of these days and I’d like to share it with you.  Some choose to scream and shout it and leaders can’t live without it.  Hitler abused it, Brave-Heart was accused of it and Jesus Christ proved it yet many of us still refuse it.

Rocky at one time lost it and the Mighty Thor tossed it.  The Cowardly Lion found it, King Kong pounds it and true soldiers and warriors love the sound of it.  My message you should heed it because in tough-times you’ll surely need it and many oppressed was even freed with it, yet there’s still some that don’t believe in it.

So, what is this thing that’s a common trait of kings and the reason why I sing in this message that I bring.  Well, quite simply it’s Courage.  Everyone needs a little from time-to-time if we truly want to make a difference in any area of life.  Some may need a little and some may need a lot but we all need it.

As I look around it appears that some peoples courage muscles are suffering from a severe case of atrophy because of their extreme addiction to comfort.  Maybe a huge dose of spinach is needed for some of us to rejuvenate those underused courage muscles.  Hmmm…  It worked for Popeye.  🙂

I invite you to consider the following truth that I’ve realized and recognized today.  COURAGE is an acronym that simply means to Comprehend Or Understand that Real Accomplishment takes Guts to Experience.

Yes, we must have the guts and fortitude to brave the necessary storms of battles if we are to experience what it feels like to accomplish great things.  We must welcome the countless opportunities to show that in times of troubles and struggles we can be counted in and not be counted out.  We completely comprehend and understand that the ability to stand firm in the face of fear and demonstrate unshakeable courage in the moment is the action that separates the average man or woman from those who are great.

So, keep leaning forward and go ahead and make it GREAT everyday of the week and twice on Sundays.

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Perfect People Don't ExistI hate to be the whistle-blower today but someone has to eventually tell you the truth so it might as well be me, but please don’t kill the messenger because I mean you only good.  So here goes… Deep breath…  Sighhh…

It’s with a concerned heart that I reluctantly inform you today that there’s no such thing as Unicorns with horns, Mermaids with fish tales or perfect people with perfect lives.

Yes folks it’s true, these mythical creatures do not exist and this is the only expectation that I encourage you to lower or disappointment awaits you around the corner.  I may have mentioned this before but it bears repeating that flaws, fallacies and unfavorable failures exist in all of us in some way, shape or form.  In fact that’s really what makes us human.  Hmmm…

I’m convinced that the sooner we are able to understand this reality and embrace it, the less the severity of future disappointment.  That’s right, perfect people with perfect lives will never exist, but imperfect people striving to live perfect lives can sure help us to make it GREAT!

So keep learning and churning and growing and going and thriving and striving for the ever-illusive quality of perfection in the days ahead.  This is definitely a breadcrumb of wisdom that can get you one step closer to making it GREAT!

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A Prayer for HIS willJPGI just had this interesting thought to pop into my head today and I thought I’d share it with you in hopes that you too will glean some value from it.  You may have to get out your scuba-gear for this one because it may be a little deep, but it’s definitely Sabbath-Day appropriate.

So it seems to me that the world knows exactly how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie-Roll Lollypop.  But the world may never know exactly how many prayers it takes to change the will of our sovereign Creator?  Hmmm…

In my humble opinion I believe that no amount of prayers, fasting or Hail Mary’s can change the will of He who knows all, sees all and created all.  Because this is true, it seems to me that many prayers, pleas and petitions that are specific to a request seeking action by our Creator could be in direct contradiction to His will if we’re not careful.

To that end, I believe that a suitable prayer should include a request for His supreme will to be done and for the strength, understanding and ability to embrace the results, accept the outcome and learn the lesson and message in it all.  Yes, the words, “Your will be done.” are easy to say but can be much more challenging to truly accept, but this too is necessary.  Yes my friends, as tragic as it may sometimes seem in the moments of life, I know that His will holds ultimate plans to prosper us and those around us in the days ahead.

So, I encourage you to move forward today with a renewed vision and belief that in times of suffering, struggles and strain there’s something better to gain coming around the mountain for you no matter what the current situation or circumstance is.  So, I say to you today, keep those prayers flowing in the right direction and continue in your day-to-day efforts to make your challenging days GREAT!  This is definitely a breadcrumb of wisdom that can make life oh-so-sweet.  🙂

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A Letter to Mr. AdversitySo here we meet again old friend.  The infamous stand-off and stare-down.  Once again your unexpected visit emerges to test my resolve and with conviction and complete confidence I can truly say that once again I am ready for the challenge.

Yes, I may have stumbled and struggled to overcome you Mr. Adversity in the not-so-distant past, but I’m getting better and better with each swing of the bat.  So, BRING IT ON!” I say for I know that this is the part where I have the opportunity to get better today than I was yesterday.  You are indeed a formidable foe but without you Greatness would never be possible.

So, dare to join me in my quest today to make this “good” life GREAT!

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book