Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

One of the biggest wastes of time I’ve experienced in my short 43 years of life on this planet is wasting time trying to explain myself or trying to offer some free, sound advice to a combative, argumentative, short-tempered, close-minded idiot.

As a result, I now have a new three word philosophy you can borrow if you find yourself in need in the not-so-distant future. That three word philosophy is, “JUST MOVE ON!!!”

Yep that’s right folks, it’s that simple. Don’t waste your time with these special types of idiots. I’ve heard of a “dog” whisperer, and a “horse” whisperer, and I’ve even heard of a “ghost” whisperer, but I have yet to hear of an “Idiot” whisperer. So just move on and let that idiot be an idiot until they’re ready to change and stop being an idiot. I know this message may be a little harsh today, but sometimes “harsh” is necessary. 🙂

So my friendly free advice for you today is to “Just Move On” and continue to Make it GREAT! 🙂


As a kid growing up in a Southern Pentecostal Church in Texas I remember one of the church-members named Sister Carter used to always sing the lyrics of a song that had the words, “Give me my flowers while I can see them so that I can see and smell the beauty that they bring”. As a young kid I would always get a chuckle out of hearing her sing that song. 🙂

Now as an adult I often reflect back to that time with fond memories and after thinking about it a bit, I now see an even deeper meaning and metaphor behind the words of that song and I would like to share my thought with you today.

While it is true that when we’re dead and gone we can never enjoy the beauty and the fragrance of the flowers in this world that our friends and family leave for us at our graveside, so too is it true that we can never know what positive thing(s) or influence we had on someone else in this life unless that person(s) takes the time to tell us how much they appreciate us.

To that end, I feel so incredibly fortunate to be a person that receives such flowers of approbation and appreciation on a regular basis from many people I’ve had the privilege of serving in some way, shape or form in this life. Nothing makes me smile bigger than knowing that something I did, wrote or said to someone had a positive impact on them.

So I invite you today to consider giving others their flowers of thanks, gratitude and recognition while they can see, hear and experience it here in this life because once we’re gone, we’re gone……

Now go Make it GREAT!


Something pretty BIG is coming and it’s written on my shirt (Pie).

No it has absolutely nothing to do with math and it’s definitely not something you put in your mouth to eat.

It’s my newest revolutionary breakthrough that not only answers the age-old question of “Why” we’re here, but it also embodies a rock-solid process that helps anyone young and old to develop their area of excellence and deliver it to the world.

This “Pie” Process is destined to become a movement that can quite potentially become a globally recognized household symbol that will be associated with making “your” impact on the world.

Critics are raving about my new “Pie” phenomenon and I can’t wait to share the steps and the concept with you and hear your reactions to it all. Be prepared to scoff in amazement. So stay tuned… 😉


When all is stripped away and there’s nothing covering you, what does the world see?

When you remove the money and the material things from the equation of your life, what then is your mission?

When all else that has meaning is dead, what then makes you come alive?

Don’t be so quick to answer these questions with some impressive statement that looks good to the masses, but pull out your scuba gear and give this one some deep, deep thought and come up with a clarity that drives you when all else fails.

Then whatever your answer is, I want to inspire and encourage you to keep this “thing” not far from your sight at all times and Make it GREAT!


Just as every good seed develops its life-sustaining roots during a struggle in darkness below the ground, so too shall the foundation of our character and integrity be developed most in our hours of darkness, strain and pain.

Yes, that’s right folks the fire of fear, failure and frustration is designed to burn-away those insignificant facades on our surface to expose what’s really underneath and then allow for us to mold and develop it for the better or worse.

Simply put, your darkest hours come ONLY to give you an opportunity to be fashioned into something even more beautiful. 🙂

So don’t be afraid to push through the darkness knowing full-well that you’re being molded for something even greater in the light.

Keep Making it GREAT my friends!

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book