Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

The Hypocritical Statement of the Century (3-7-13)I‘ve been doing that “thinking” thing again lately and I’ve come up with the following truth.  I believe that the most hypocritical statement that’s perpetrated by many the world over is the following, “Never ever give up on your big goals and dreams in life.” But unfortunately this statement can be completed by most people with the words, “But let me tell you why I gave up on mine.”

Yes my friends, the truth isn’t always peaches and cream, sometimes its rocky road.  I understand that this comment may not sit well with many, but truth is incontrovertible.  Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end it remains unchanged, truth.

So, the question today is, are you a member of the notorious “Most People” club?  Do you still have those big goals out in front of you?  Are you taking steps in the direction of making your big dreams a reality?  Hmmm…  “Most People” would probably have to say “No,” but we’re not “Most People.”  Yes, we fully intend to make it GREAT!

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Out of the Box (Religion)It seems to me that the best way to restrict human growth and behavior in any area is to create a big box of rules and then demonize and villainize those who attempt to think outside of that box.  Yes that’s right, creating a bunch of rules and regulations or commands and restrictive laws can stifle the creative process and prevent an unbiased search for truth.

Don’t expect to win many friends if you agree with such a statement.  Those who choose the action of love over legalistic dogmatic behavior may find themselves under a bus of ridicule, retribution and reprisals by many governed by a boxed-in form of faith and religion.  To this I say stand your ground and understand that this is absolutely necessary if new ideas are to be created and flourish.

I sincerely believe that our true spirituality was never meant to be boxed into an institution of religion.  I believe the nuts and bolts of our very existence centers around service, community and relationship with each other and the one who created us all, but somewhere along the way we’ve managed to complicate it.

Back to the basics may be a great place to start.  Good-ole love, kindness and a heart after the one who created us may be strong enough to right the wrongs of today.  Or maybe some feel we’ve come too far and are in too deep to ask questions.  Hmmm…  I trust that this post becomes that trigger for you to give your current position some serious thought.

I’m convinced that this life was meant for so much more than just a plain-ole restrictive box, so I invite you to break out of that Pharisaical box and let’s go out there and make it GREAT!.




CommitmentsThis may come as a shock to some of you, but the worst month to make a commitment and not keep it is the month of January.  The other months that are equally as bad are February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and yes even December.

That’s right folks, there’s no good time to not keep your commitments.  Letting your “Yes” mean “Yes” and your “No” mean “No” is a character trait that’s shared by only a fortunate, faithful few.

Throughout this “life” thing I’ve observed a countless number of people who often times remind me of the lyrics to an old Keith Sweat song that says, “I’m gonna, I’m gonna, I’m gonna…” but they almost never do.  So a good question today is, are you a member of the exclusive Commitment Keeper Club?  Or, are you guilty of letting your mouth write checks that your actions can’t cash.

Do others regard you as a man or woman of your word?  Can you be trusted to say what you’re going to do and then actually do what you say?  Hmmm…  No need to answer out loud or raise your hand, just hear and understand.

In the battle between those who follow-through on their commitments and those who just let their commitments fall through, I trust that you’re on the right side.   I hope and pray that years from now down the road of commitment you will still have the same level of passion, excitement and resolve that you had the day you started the journey.

So, I encourage you to keep leaning forward in the days ahead and make this week so awesome that last week gets insanely jealous.  Keep those commitments Monday through Sunday and every month of the year and let’s make it GREAT.

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Courage (Defined)I’ve been thinking lately about this one thing that I wish I saw more of these days and I’d like to share it with you.  Some choose to scream and shout it and leaders can’t live without it.  Hitler abused it, Brave-Heart was accused of it and Jesus Christ proved it yet many of us still refuse it.

Rocky at one time lost it and the Mighty Thor tossed it.  The Cowardly Lion found it, King Kong pounds it and true soldiers and warriors love the sound of it.  My message you should heed it because in tough-times you’ll surely need it and many oppressed was even freed with it, yet there’s still some that don’t believe in it.

So, what is this thing that’s a common trait of kings and the reason why I sing in this message that I bring.  Well, quite simply it’s Courage.  Everyone needs a little from time-to-time if we truly want to make a difference in any area of life.  Some may need a little and some may need a lot but we all need it.

As I look around it appears that some peoples courage muscles are suffering from a severe case of atrophy because of their extreme addiction to comfort.  Maybe a huge dose of spinach is needed for some of us to rejuvenate those underused courage muscles.  Hmmm…  It worked for Popeye.  🙂

I invite you to consider the following truth that I’ve realized and recognized today.  COURAGE is an acronym that simply means to Comprehend Or Understand that Real Accomplishment takes Guts to Experience.

Yes, we must have the guts and fortitude to brave the necessary storms of battles if we are to experience what it feels like to accomplish great things.  We must welcome the countless opportunities to show that in times of troubles and struggles we can be counted in and not be counted out.  We completely comprehend and understand that the ability to stand firm in the face of fear and demonstrate unshakeable courage in the moment is the action that separates the average man or woman from those who are great.

So, keep leaning forward and go ahead and make it GREAT everyday of the week and twice on Sundays.

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Death (Where did she go)I lost another dear relative a few days ago and once again we find ourselves asking the popular question of, “Where did she go and how do we know?

Many the world-over have debated this issue down through the years and to-date conclusive evidence is an impossibility.  Each religion has attempted to accurately explain and define what happens in the “hereafter,” but the honest-to-God truth is no human being can ever really know until they go.

Yes, many continue in their attempt to define it, but I believe that our Creator has designed its complete understanding for our spiritual eyes only to behold when our earthly eyes close for the last time.  This notion may fly in the face of some conventional religious wisdom but it makes complete sense to me.

Losing my mother in May of 2008 was an unprecedented, eye-opening experience for me for never had I lost someone who was so close to me.  Unfortunately I wasn’t there the moment she drew her last breath and stepped out of this world, but I was told that it was uneventful and peaceful.  Hours later as I leaned over her lifeless body in the presence of my Dad and three brothers I whispered a question and made a bold statement that only she and I will know.  Well, honestly I’m not even sure if she heard me, but the action I took in that very moment did something for me that continues to motivate me today.

The question I asked hasn’t been answered but the bold statement I made is becoming more and more real with every passing day.  Simply put, I feel as if though her memory and the memory of what was shared in that moment pushes me to pursue Greatness in the area of service-to-many.

So, can we actually know for sure?  Can we accurately depict and define what comes next?  Are any of us worthy of the title of being declared “Right?”  Hmmm…  Let the debaters debate and the opinionaters opinionate and when the dust settles, I still will find myself leaning not to my own understanding but clinging on to my trust and my faith and my unshakeable belief.

Cousin Vera, I can trust and have faith that my belief is accurate and you’re spirit is in a place that makes you smile.  Thanks for the positive contributions you gave and the memories you made while you were here.  The memory of your last smiling face with your warm embrace remains etched in my mind, on my body and inside my soul.

Catrina Allen-Taylor, Crystal Allen and Tahaka Allen, your mother’s contribution of bringing you both into this world and giving you a good start is something we can all be proud of.  I love you all to pieces and back together again.  In honor of your Mom and my Mom too, I say to you on this glorious day, let’s go make this life GREAT!  🙂

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