Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

I invite you to consider the following on this Magnificent Monday:  Knowing your passion and not following it is the exact same as not knowing what your passion is.  Finding your gift of greatness and not using it is the exact same as not finding it. 

Yes we all have a special gift that was placed inside of us at birth for us to be great at something.  We can be good at a lot of things and mediocre at even more things but I believe that we were uniquely designed to be great at at least one thing.  Some of us have even been blessed with the ability to be great at two or three things.  But the unfortunate tragedy is “most people” go through their life and never find their passion or their gift of greatness and some don’t even bother looking.

So the question today is quite simple, “What about you?”  Will you choose to be counted amongst the millions or even billions of others who settle for good and miss out on the great?  Or, will you choose to be counted amongst the thousands who’ve leveraged their gift of greatness and passion for a cause that makes this world a much better place? 

For “Most People” this post will never be read and for some it will be read and discarded as just another empty call to action in the noise of the internet that will go ignored without anyone ever knowing that it reached their eyes and ears.  But my prayer today is that it will reach You, whoever “You” are and it will be that spark that you need that reignites that fire inside of you and pushes you to find and exploit your hidden passion and gift of greatness for the good of this land and your community.  The choice is and always will be only yours, so choose wisely what action or inaction you will take.  Choose today because tomorrow never comes.

Oh and don’t forget that it’s never too late to make it GREAT!

“Most People?”


A little “Food-4-Thought” for you to chew on today. 

When others are going through the fire of life’s struggles and challenges and sufferings are you bringing buckets of water of encouragement and affirmation or buckets of gasoline of discouragement and condemnation?  Are you seizing the opportunity to build others up or tear them down?  Are you cheering others on or jeering them to be gone? 

Yes, these are all easy questions indeed but the honest answer may be a little hard on the reality of some.  Make sure you’re not counted in that infamous group of “some”.  I believe it’s in our own best interest and the best interest of others to make sure that our buckets are filled with nourishing waters and not toxic.

Don’t miss this message as you embark upon yet another week filled with opportunities to get better and do better.

And remember, we only get one time through this “life” thing so let’s make it GREAT! 

What’s in Your Bucket?



We’ve officially declared war against a mutual enemy called “Negative”.  Dare to join us in our quest today.  All we need is a few good men or women who will commit to plant some “Positive” seeds where negative weeds are trying to grow.

I made this short video just for YOU today.  Be Inspired as you attempt to make it yet another GREAT DAY.

Click Here:


S ome people around you may attempt to squash your goals and dreams with a sharp comment or two.  I call these people “Snakes of well-intention“. Have you been bit and victimized by the vicious bite and fast-acting venom of one of these vipers lately?  If so, I say to you today, don’t lose your focus.  Let this venom be the fuel for your vision.  Choose to be empowered by cynicism and encouraged by the “N” words.  The “Never’s, the “No’s”, the “Not’s” and the “No shows”.  Shake off the nasty non-sense of the naughty naysayers. 

Make a commitment today, while the weather is good so when the storms come, you will not fold up your umbrella of armor and run for cover.  You will stand your ground and not retreat into that foxhole of fear in the face of adversity for you know that all great men and women have realized their greatness or significance on the other side of such adversity and hardships.

Then when the day comes that you stand face-to-face with your achievement, may you then be so bold to tell the story of how you overcame and became.  I encourage you today to hang in there and continue to fight the good fight because someone is secretly and unknowingly counting on you not just to win, but to win BIG.  Carpe Diem and make it GREAT!


Years of experience has taught me that most people’s problems don’t necessarily need to be fixed they just need to be heard. 

Our natural tendency as human beings is to want to solve the problems of our friends and loved ones but attempting to solve the problems of others can in some cases do more harm to a person or relationship than help.  The surprising reality is that the solution to the most complex problems often times lie within the host itself.  So the best thing you can do for a friend or loved one sometimes is absolutely nothing but listen and give that friend an opportunity to work through that problem by wrestling with their own words and thoughts.  Being allowed to fully articulate in their own words the problem they’re facing can oftentimes be both therapeutic and cathartic and more importantly can reduce the level of stress and anxiety for many situations.  Just being willing to lend what I call an “affirmative ear” or be an “encouraging listener” can go a loooong way sometimes.

So I invite you to consider shutting up and listening sometime and just let the venting process run its course.  You just might find yourself being a hero to that friend or family member in distress.  Sure couldn’t hurt to find out for your self rather or not this really works.  Just a little food-4-thought for you today.  Hmmmmm…

Let’s all continue to make it GREAT!

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book