Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

We can’t turn back the hands of time or the sands of time.

That’s right my friends. We can’t make the hands of time go backwards and we can’t make the sands of time flow up, so let’s squeeze the juice out of the time we have left and master our moments.

No need to look back over the shoulder of your life only to allow your shortcomings to hold you back. Not today… Now it’s your time to shine. Your patience, persistence, prayers and perseverance is finally set to pay off huge dividends so keep going and get ready to cash-in.

So step up and step in to your new and improved destiny and remember that we ONLY get one time through this “life” thing, so let’s not just try to squeak by and make it good. Let’s be bold as we get old and Make it GREAT!!! IT’S YOUR TIME !!!


Oh, and of course it’s Ok to share if you dare… 😉

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A special event happened this morning,
So, I created this photo to give you a WARNING.

Today I saw a little toddler walking while playing on Mommy’s cell phone. He tripped and fell forward and bumped his face on the ground. Mommy rushed to his aid scooping him up with one arm and picking up the phone with the other.

No tears were shed after the fall until the toddler realized that Mommy had put the phone away, then the loud sobbing and screams could be heard for miles. Mommy quickly retrieved the phone and gave it back to him and the tear streams and loud screams suddenly stopped as his eyes went back to the little screen.

After baring witness to this I couldn’t help but to scratch my head and say “Hmmm…”

It’s amazing how much our lives are being invaded, persuaded and even jaded by our little electronic devices.

The ironic, harsh reality is that in a world full of connectivity it appears that we are becoming more and more disconnected as ever before. It appears that our personal devices are becoming more and more personally divisive.

Our world wide web is starting to entangle us in a web that’s world-wide and our internet has become the portal and gateway to enter-the-net. Some may call us victims of progress and others may call it technological digress but whatever we choose to call it, it’s NOT looking good for our social health and authentic relationship connectivity in the near future.

To this I say, don’t let it be you. Let’s choose to divorce ourselves from using technology as a constant substitute for human interaction and re-marry ourselves to the concept of genuine relationships and face-to-face interaction. Electronic devices are great but so much more is at stake to Make it GREAT!

Electronic moderation just might save our hurting nation. That’s ONLY if we want to Make it GREAT!!! 😉


And of course it’s Ok to share if you dare… 😉

My Book:
My Site:
My Blog:
My Store:


Many have asked how do I feel or what is going through my mind right before I step out on the Big stage. Well, it’s quite simple.

The fear is replaced by excitement. The doubt is replaced by an unshakeable belief and the silent voices are replaced with an audible prayer. “Lord, PLEASE give me the ability to use my ability to the BEST of my ability.”
May my words be worthy of plagiarism, my actions worthy of duplication and my message motivational and meaningful to the masses.

My prayer for you this week is that you will master your moments and make them meaningful so they will resonate and have an evergreen relevancy for generations to come.

It’s never too early and surely never too late
to adopt this philosophy and Make it GREAT!!!


Ok to share if you dare… 😉

My Book:
My Site:
My Blog:
My Store:


In this “life” thing we ONLY get one time.
So, don’t spend it chasing Dollars & Dimes.

Let’s Make it GREAT!!!

My Book:
My Site:
My Blog:
My Store:


A sleepless night caused me to write under the
moonlight of a reformed Gang-bangers plight: ENJOY…

“The Conscience of a gang-banger”

Staring at the paper with a blue pen in my hand.
With an Officer and a Counselor waiting to see just where I stand.

A life of crime I’ve lived with second chance after second chance,
But now the time has come to run from the music or stay & dance.

Behind door #1 is a life of crime that never seems to pay.
But door #2 is much more scary because it starts a whole new day.

One that’s filled with new beginnings, an unpredictable journey of unknowns.
Where I’ll have to face all of my fears of feeling all alone.

My past friends have been my family or the closest to one I’ve seen,
I’ve never had a family model otherwise, not even in my dreams.

Now my choices are clear that door #1 leads to sure destruction or death.
While door #2 is just as scary for it’s filled with unfamiliar tests.

I agonize over which choice to make and start to lose my breath,
But I pulled it together to make the right choice, so I won’t end up like the rest.

If life gives you a choice between going left or going right,
Choose wisely my friends to avoid a tragic end like so many others plight.

I smile today from choosing the right way and I’m hoping you do the same.
Cause making the wrong choice will silence your voice forever, so please choose to change.

Make it GREAT!!!

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book