Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

Some may choose a gun, others may choose a knife,
But I choose my keyboard to positively impact a life.

The 2nd amendment protects those who choose to bear arms.
The 1st amendment allows me to speak on-and-on-and-on.

Both freedoms need protection on that most can agree,
If only words alone could be the thing that keeps us free.  🙂

Was a little bored tonight so I thought I’d shoot this little
“selfie” with a positive message.  Good night all.  Dream a
BIG Dream, then wake up and make that BIG dream come
true.  Make it GREAT!!!


What got you from “A” to “B” won’t get you to “C” and “D” and definitely not “E, F & G and L,M,N,O,P””.  So make a commitment to never take an extended vacation away from education after graduation because a lifetime-learner is indeed worth much more than just their weight in platinum, silver or gold.

Continue to Read good books, Participate in uplifting and educational events, Listen to good content designed to make you better and Associate with others who are affirming and dream driven, passion-pursuing goal getters.  This is definitely a recipe for making all things Great or significant.

New tools, techniques and strategies are an absolute necessity on your journey through the forest of the ABC’s and LMNOP’s because nothing stays the same except the expectation of change.  So keep flexing your personal development muscles and don’t be surprised when you find yourself checking those major goals and dreams off your list.

Keep leaning forward in the days ahead and continue to Read, Participate, Listen & Associate and that’s how you Make it GREAT!

My exclusive website can help by delivering a weekly impact video/message direct to you every week for 52 weeks for FREE.  So turn it on today and get on your way.  You’ll be glad you did. 🙂

Make it GREAT!!!


The old saying “It takes a village to raise a child,” has been repeated by many down through the years, but lately it appears that some parents aren’t being too cooperative with the village. Honestly, many of the other village members are in fear of being sued or just out-right beat-up or hurt by an over-protective parent if they attempt to help in steering or correcting a child lately.

Yep that’s right it appears that more and more good family members, friends, teachers and other would-be mentors and authority figures are being squeezed-out of playing an active role in helping to raise the children of our respective village-communities.

Not my child!  Nobody is going to challenge, correct or discipline my child but me,” has been the common phrase thrown around these days and as a result, the “Not My Child Syndrome” is negatively infecting and affecting a whole generation.

It even sometimes seems that the lack of playing a solid role in their own kids life is pushing some parents to feeling like the only way they can really show they love their kids is to run to their defense when someone is trying to hold their child accountable or correct them for their unacceptable behavior.  Hmmm…

In my humble opinion I do sincerely believe that a good-ole’-fashioned village-community of those who you trust to do the right thing with the right intensions for your child is needed.  A show of solidarity amongst the adults in our respective communities in support of each-others judgment and demanding that our children respect adults and their elders is paramount.   This can definitely make the difference in our kids making this life “good” or our kids making this life GREAT!  I hope you choose to help them Make it GREAT!

It takes a village…  😉


I’m not sure who this post is for today but I feel lead to tell somebody within eye or ear-shot of my words today that you mean so much more than just “everything” to someone, somewhere out there.  So, realize today that your worth is off-the-charts and your intrinsic value is second to none and now you just have to go and live up to it.

Don’t allow the tough talk and tone of the naysayers to muzzle your voice.  Don’t relinquish your good fight by letting fear and adversity intimidate you into a corner of comfort and complacency.  Understand that you are indeed more than just “someone special” to that special someone or someone’s out there and sometimes they may struggle with how to tell you so or let you know

So snap-out-of-it today and get back on your way to being that person others need you to be so that they can see what they need to see in you to get them through.  Yes you do mean everything to that special somebody so continue in your efforts to Make it GREAT so they can too.


Surrounded by the Dallas Housing Project, this 12-year-old guy pictured here wearing his favorite brown sweater had to overcome a few struggles early-on in his young life.  Poverty, drugs and violence was common-place and being ready to defend himself against would-be attackers, drug-dealers and neighborhood bullies was the norm.

Nevertheless in spite of it all, this little guy was still able to maintain his big, toothy signature smile.  At least on the outside that is, but, on the inside he considered himself at somewhat of a disadvantage because of his struggles in his life as compared to others who did not have to endure the same.

Never did he consider himself to be the cutest, smartest, biggest, strongest or fastest in his group but pleasing people and making others smile was something that gave him the necessary drive and energy to get him through the day.

His daily situations and circumstances caused him to also struggle in the mental area of questioning whether or not big things were possible for him.  He had big goals and dreams but his outside environment was putting a significant strain on his belief in those big goals and dreams.

But the good news is that this little guy didn’t stay little for long.  As we all must do eventually one day, he grew up to become a man.  Over the years of his development he started to pick up little positive tools, and small tips and techniques and takeaways.  He started to engage in the practice of reading good books about overcoming struggle and listening to good speakers talking about what it takes to extricate oneself from “stinking thinking”.

He started to attend and participate in different events that were designed to make him better in everyway.  And, most importantly he started to hang around positive people who were dream-driven, passion-pursuing, goal-getters on a mission to better themselves.

As a result, he started to adopt some new philosophies and principles that helped him to see and believe that his stress, strain, struggle and pain as a youth was not a disadvantage at all.  But to the contrary, it was an advantage that was equipping him and setting him up to be the guy he needed to be to succeed in a big way by overcoming the struggles of his life that he would have to face as an adult.

This new-found philosophy set him on a course that would ultimately lead him to making those goals and dreams of his come true, and now his life’s mission and passion is to help others find their life’s mission and passion and to Make it GREAT!

No, special he is not, but similar he is to so many who have had to endure and overcome hardships and he’s here today to say that his story is definitely one of “You Can Too…”  Yes my friends far and near please lend an ear and understand that it’s not where you come from that’s most important, it’s where you’re going that rules the day.

He would like to encourage you today to set your course to where you want to be and what you want to see and leverage your checkered past of struggle and strain and be prepared to overcome and endure until you WIN.  And never forget to Make it GREAT!!!

Oh, by the way that little 12-year-old boy was me.  😉

Make your weekend GREAT!!!

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book