Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

September 11th, a day that we remember our hero’s
And recommit to bring down our foe’s.

We display our cherished military dog-tags
And wave proudly our American flags.

We reflect back on where we were when we heard the news
And how we spent that entire day watching the news crews.

We recall how we felt from seeing the twin towers a-blaze,
From the likes of several madmen on a jihadist craze.

But we cling to our resolve and our family and our friends,
And increase our vigilance so this won’t happen again.

So join with me today as we all take time to remember,
That infamous 11th day in this month of September.

We will never forget.


Did you know that one of the most successful tactics of war is “Isolation”? If the enemy can cut off the ability to communicate and be reinforced with food, water, gas and ammunition, it’s just a matter of time before the opposition will eventually have to succumb to defeat.

If I told you that this is also true in life and business would you believe me? Well, believe me or not it’s 100% true. If we allow ourselves to become isolated from our friends, our family, our Creator and the things that encourage and lift us up daily, it’s just a matter of time before the dreaded “D” (Depression) creeps in and robs us all of our ability to win.

So, no matter the stress, the strain, the heartache or the pain, don’t let it drive you into a corner of frustration and isolation. Keep those lines of communication and association open so reinforcements can get through to you and keep your motivation and inspiration and never stop your education. This is indeed one of the key steps to Making it GREAT!
My weekly Video’s to inspire you:


One of the most impactful yet simple pieces of advice I’ve ever received over the years was the notion that if we commit to do every day what most wont, we can increase the chances that tomorrow we will achieve most don’t.

That’s right my friends, just following the crowd only gets us as far as the crowd will go. But, daring to do what the crowds don’t do and go where the crowds don’t go can dramatically increase the chances that we will grow and know what the crowds don’t know.

I think the great business tycoon Warren Buffett said it best when he answered the question about what’s his best investment strategy with the following statement, “I just look at what everybody else is doing or NOT doing and do just the opposite.” Yep, it’s fair to say that he doesn’t spend much time following the crowd. Not a bad strategy, eh?

To that end, I invite you to consider that quite possibly the most effective methods and strategies of life and business may actually NOT be the most popular and what’s currently most popular may NOT always be the most effective. Hmmm…

So don’t be afraid to NOT always do what you’re told by the popular crowd because we already have enough run-of-the-mill duplicates and carbon copies. Blazing your own trail just might lead you to something special and significant, then you can show the rest of the world how you made it GREAT and how they can too.

I’m counting on you to blaze your trail and go Make it GREAT! 🙂


Don’t be surprised if some of the most intense conversations you ever have actually take place inside of your own head. Also, don’t be too disappointed if the most important person that ever lets you down ends up actually being “You”. And, think it NOT strange if your toughest most formidable enemy ends up actually being your “inner-me”.

Yes my friends, this life has taught me a multitude of lessons and one of the most important things I’ve learned is that our toughest challenges and test lay NOT in our outside world, but they exist inside our own body and mind.

So make sure that you’re downloading the right information that will empower and equip you with the proper mental tools to NOT just survive working your nine-to-five, but to strive, thrive and positively stay alive.

So, let’s continue to do what it takes to Make it GREAT!



Over the years I’ve come to realize that once we’ve discovered a new product or service or system or new way of living or belief, we must be careful not to let ourselves become bitter and callous to others if they don’t necessarily see what it is that we see.

Even if our logic is spot-on and what we’re doing or sharing makes perfect sense, we must realize that people don’t typically make decisions based primarily on their sense of logic. Most people make decisions primarily on emotion wrapped around “good timing” or some may even say “God’s Timing”.

So if you feel like you’re hearing the word “No” a bit much these days when it comes to sharing something of value to others, just remember that “No” doesn’t necessarily mean forever. “NO” means “Not Open” for now, but later emotion and timing might just turn it all around. So be patient and don’t let the bitterness of repeated rejection set in and suck you into a position of thinking that others are less-than-adequate because they haven’t said “Yes” to you are your cause.

I encourage you this week to firmly stay diligent in your craft and spreading the seeds of your good product, your good service or your good news and eventual satisfaction will find you no doubt.

This is indeed a practice that can eventually lead us all to Making it GREAT!

AWESOME WEEK My friends!!!

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book