Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

In life our choices are infinite, adversity is inevitable, our results are uncertain and our limit is the sky.

So I encourage you to make some great choices, overcome your adversity, manage your results and keep reaching for the sky.

Oh, and be sure to keep leaning forward in an attempt to Make it GREAT!



I was just recently talking to a good friend of mine about how it appears lately that shady characters with dubious credentials appear to be popping up all over the place doing dirty deals and scheming and scamming all in the name of making a fast buck.

As I see this happening, it’s caused me to reflect on the fact that even though I grew up in a family that was surrounded by scarcity and struggle, my parents never once compromised their integrity in an attempt to gain abundance.  It wasn’t because they didn’t have the opportunities to engage in such behavior.  It was because they stood on a set of principles that were not only expressed in the “good book”, but was walked-out and lived-out in the actions of their daily activities.

A Great parent is not the one who compromises their integrity and good name to provide their kids with “loot” and “things”, a Great parent is the one who stands firm on solid principles, morals and ethics and gives their kids “roots” and “wings”.

Yes my friends, our kids won’t always be kids.  They eventually grow up and will formulate an opinion about us and who we were and what we modeled to them in their lives and formative years.

So what opinion are your kids forming about you?  What actions are you modeling to them on your daily basis?  What blueprint are you etching into their mental psyche about how to deal with life’s troubles and struggles?  Hmmm…

Roots & Wings or Loot & Things?

Love & Kindness or Complaints & Whininess?

Honor & Grace or Disrespect & Distaste?

To follow Passion & Dreams or To Connive & Scheme?

To look out for your fellowman or To create a selfish, greedy plan?

Yes your actions or inactions are indeed paramount in not just your own life, but even more-so in the lives of those who look-up to you for guidance and direction.  So pay close attention to those things you do because other eyes are looking at you.  May they catch you trying to honorably Make it GREAT!


So how’s your scoreboard looking these days?  You know, that scoreboard of life that we all have.  Are you “RAK’n” up the points with your Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) lately?  Or, are you being penalized like crazy by engaging in joy-stealing, reckless, self-centered behavior?

It appears to me that lately more-and-more people are living their life as if they’re unaware that there’s a “Life-Scoreboard” that’s keeping an accurate, detailed record of our ‘good’ and ‘not-so-good’.  The BBF Syndrome (Bitterness, Burnout & Frustration) appears to be driving some people out of their positive mind.

Episodes of rude, crude and just plain-ole’ mean behavior can be seen around almost every corner these days and I know I’m not the only one that’s witnessing it.

Honestly, I saw something two days ago on Sunday that made me want to scream “WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU THINKING LADY, DON’T YOU KNOW YOU’RE LOSING LIFE POINTS BY DOING THAT!  UGHHH!!!”  And to top-it-off, the woman was dressed in her ‘Sundays Best’ clothing fresh out of somebody’s church service when she did it.  I really wanted to throw a brick at her with the word “Jesus” on it to remind her of who she’s representing.  But if I did that, I would then end up losing some life-points myself.  🙂

So, instead I thought I’d write this post to remind us all to “RAK” up some life-points when interacting with our fellowmen and women instead of being rude, crude and just a plain-ole’ meany-head.

Please help me spread this good word so we can all start trying to Make this ‘life’ thing Fantabulous!



Spoke at a “Dine-in-the-Dark” event last night and asked the question, “Does NOT having physical sight have anything to do with our ability to be able to stay focused on our biggest goals and dreams”?

Well the answer is, absolutely NOT…  In fact our physical eye sight may even be more of a distraction than a help to us when it comes to the ability to stay focused on our goals and dreams.  It was Helen Keller who once said that what’s worse than having no sight is having no Vision, and yes she was exactly right.

If we have no vision for what’s possible for us, we’re doomed to just stumble our way through this life as if we’re physically blind.  I encourage you today to not let that be your fate.

Get clear on your goals and have a vision of what’s possible for you and don’t let your physical eye sight be distracted by the noise and chaos and shiny objects all around you.  Stay focused in the days ahead and by all means make a point to make this “life” thing GREAT!

Yes, Dining in the Dark was a challenge, but nothing like the challenge that life has for us all who dare to try to Make it GREAT!  So, let’s go Make it GREAT!



Don’t rent your life out to the highest bidder and spend the best years of your life building someone else’s dream at the expense of putting your own dreams on a shelf of neglect.

Don’t hang your passion in the corner closet in hopes that someday you will have the time to re-engage because there’s only seven days in the week and “Someday” is not one of them.

That’s right folks, “Someday” will never come without your intentional efforts to make it so.  The time is NOW and I encourage you to take the proper daily steps in the direction of taking back control of your future-fate because truly your fate is what you make.  Baby steps are okay as long as you stay on your way every day.  🙂

I invite you to consider that your biggest “enemy” is not anyone else telling you what you can’t be, it’s your “inner-me” telling you what you don’t believe you can be but your “inner-me” is a bald-faced liar.

You CAN make a difference.  You CAN rise up and make a significant impact in this world for the better.  You CAN turn your passion into a powerful promise for others and still profit.  You CAN silence the critics that may initially think you’re crazy.

You absolutely CAN be the exception to the enormous list of those who continue to be POOR (Passing Over Opportunity Repeatedly) and let Fear bully them into a life of safety, security and predictability.  But as we all should know by now that FEAR is just “False Evidence Appearing Real”.

So, don’t be afraid to step into your purpose and put that passion of yours to work in a mutual partnership that allows you to shine in your best light. And never, ever forget that we only get one time through this ‘Life’ thing, so let’s not just try to make it ‘good’ and play it safe, but let’s follow that “Passion” thing and make it GREAT!


Make it GREAT!!!

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book