Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

As I stumble through this life I’ve bumped into many people who appear to be living lives of quiet desperation.  I truly believe that this is due to them allowing themselves to be negatively affected by the people and media that are around them in everyday life.

Different media outlets continue the onslaught and barrage of shows and advertisements that are subliminally designed to make us feel like we’re less than adequate without certain things in our life.  I believe that this really fosters a “keep up with the Jones’s” mentality which can ultimately cause some pretty significant damage to our lives down the road if left unchecked.

It’s because of this pervasive phenomena that I invite you to consider the following unsolicited advice today.  We must be careful not to allow the success of others around us to distort our view and make us feel as if we’re failing or less than adequate.

I encourage you to continue to go at your own pace and you’ll eventually win your race.  Search for the way, watch others way, then find your own way, for no two paths to success are exactly the same.  All things that are great come in good time.  So keep leaning forward on your journey and keep making it GREAT one day at a time.

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Think you can pick me out… Hmmm… The last picture me and my Dad and three brothers took with my Mommy…

My Mom checked out of this life 3 days before Mothers Day 5 years ago. And although we had some great times together as a family with Mom around, I must admit that I still have a few woulda, shoulda and coulda’s left over.

May this Mother’s Day be a special one for all of you deserving mothers out there in cyberspace. And please don’t miss your chance to make those memories while your Mom is still here.

Mom, your legacy lives on through your 3rd born and the other three. And Oh yeah, I’m still trying to make it GREAT! 


I’ve been thinking lately about what specific action would constitute the greatest of contributions this side of the universe.  After some deep thought and major mulling over the topic, I invite you to consider the following truth that I’ve come up with.

It seems to me that our biggest most significant contribution to this world won’t be something we buy or our money stacked high, neither will it be how much fame we gain or how much knowledge we obtain.  And it won’t be how we played the big games or the big buildings that bare our names. More »


When you laugh, be sure to laugh out loud because genuine laughter is contagious and someone around you needs to be positively infected.

That’s right folks, just like an involuntary yawn from one person can spark a chain reaction with others who notice it, so too is a spontaneous smile or burst of genuine laughter equally as chain reactive.

I’ve also discovered that it’s extremely hard to smile and laugh and experience anger, sorrow and depression at the same time.  So, if you want to bust up an unwelcomed, somber mood, just try tuning into something that makes you smile and laugh and then share that joy and laughter with someone or someone’s around you.  This is indeed an awesome breadcrumb to making it GREAT!

So, laugh out loud and make someone else smile.  They’ll be glad you did.

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I looked up the simple definition of the word “All” the other day and I’ve confirmed that it really does mean, “All”.  So a good question for you today is, are you “All” in on your journey to accomplishing your goals and dreams, or do you just have a toe in the water?

No need to answer out loud, just make me proud and stand out from the crowd.  Give it “All” you’ve got and Make it GREAT!

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book