Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

For those of you who are contemplating taking a positive step in a new direction, realize there is no need to wait for someone else to co-sign on your goals and dreams and decisions.  So, don’t be afraid to assume full ownership and responsibility for your life actions and outcomes and get started today for a radical change just may be exactly what you need at this stage in your life.

The most important thing is not how you start or where you start.  The most important thing is that you just get started.  So don’t be afraid to turn that page and take out a new ball-point pen and start writing out a whole new and improved chapter for yourself.

Sometimes it’s necessary to just set the date and start the journey and be willing to go-it-alone and know that others will eventually show up on your path to join you when your level of commitment, achievement and dedication exceeds their level of skepticism and expectation of what’s possible for you.  So go-it-alone if need be and remember that even the greatest among us all had to blaze the trail and at times walk in seclusion.

So my question today is, for what are you willing to go over the hill and through the woods for?  Are you willing to be tarred and feathered for your faith?  Are you willing to take an arrow in the abdomen or a bullet in the back for your belief?  Is your conviction for your cause strong enough to withstand the inevitable callous crowds of chaos in the coming days?  Hmmm…

No need to answer out loud, just make me proud and stand out from the crowd with a smile. Keep leaning forward with unwavering conviction and let’s keep making it GREAT, even if we have to go-it-alone.

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I’m discovering more and more things in this world of ours that can be categorized under the heading of “strange.”  One of those “strange” things that I’ve learned is that one of the most powerful forces in the universe that enables us to accomplish our biggest goals and dreams is  a mindset of ‘Absolute Certainty’.”

That’s right folks, the seeds of doubt and trepidation can never take root and flourish in a soil of such certainty.  If you’re absolutely certain that a result or outcome is your destiny, no natural force on earth can prevent it from eventually becoming your reality.

The lack of money, power or any other resource won’t be enough to stop the inevitability of your goal and dream realization.  So what are you absolutely certain about today?  Do you believe that it’s possible for you?  Hmmm…

I invite you to try this “absolutely certain” thing on for size in the coming days and watch what happens.  Keep leaning forward you goal-getters and let’s continue in your undying efforts to make it GREAT!

My Book:

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In the battle between light and darkness, light can never lose.  Yes my friends, even an entire universe full of darkness can’t snuff-out even the smallest source of light.

As this is true, then all we have to do in the days ahead is to continue to let our little light shine.  Shine where you may ask?  Well simply put, we should let it shine in those areas where darkness exist. More »


Over the years life experiences have taught me that one of the most overrated positions to be in for any extended length of time is a position of comfort.  Yes my friends I’ve uncovered and discovered that a life of comfort is void of challenge and change and these two things are the very cornerstone and foundation of growth itself.

So I invite you to consider the following today as it relates to your future growth.  The deceptive purr of the cat-of-comfort can be very alluring and if you’re not careful, it can lull you into a position where growth is scarce and stagnation and mediocrity abounds. More »

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book