Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

Good intentions are a penny a pound, a nickel a six-pack, a dime a dozen, and a quarter a case, but only proper action can yield priceless results.

That’s right folks, “good intentions” are like weeds and roaches, almost everybody have them and their completely worthless.  Only “proper” action can make a difference and just any ole’ action won’t get the job done.  So say goodbye to the good intentions that many speak of and hello to proper action as you attempt to Make it GREAT!


You know it just dawned on me this morning that Fear and Adversity are actually the best of BFF’s (Best Friends Forever).  I mean think about it, have you ever noticed that it’s very rare that you see one without experiencing the other?  Or maybe it’s just me.  Hmmm…

Well, I submit to you today my newest personal definition of FEAR.  Fear is simply Falsely Expecting A Result.  That’s right friends, most people encounter this phenomena when something or someone challenges their ‘normal’ or their comfort zone and the fear is generated by their expectation of something negative happening as a result.

But take heart dear friends and know that the overwhelming majority of the things we fear will happen to us actually never happens at all.  So, I invite you to be a Great Leader today and live your life not Falsely Expecting A Result that’s negative but boldly moving forward with conviction in spite of any fear.  Expect only positive results as you attempt to make it GREAT!

Not a bad breadcrumb to start your week off with, Eh?

Make it GREAT!!!


I ran into a bully a few days ago and I’m happy to say that I managed to chop him down to size and put him in his place pretty quick.  You’d be pretty proud of me if you saw me in action.  YEAHHH!!!!

The physical altercation was pretty brutal but I’m happy to say that I still managed to come out on top.  I would love to share the juicy details with you but since I’m in cyberspace open to delicate eyes and ears, I need to keep it “G” rated.

You might be surprised to know that most of you already know this bully very well.  His name is “Adversity”.  Yep, Adversity is the ultimate bully.  No matter what your age, color, creed or kind, its job is simply just to test your resolve for your goals and cause and weed you out.

No you can’t run and tell your Mama or Daddy or teacher to make it back off or threaten it with suspension or a law-suit.  The only way to deal with this ultimate bully is to stand up to it and boldly fight through it.

Yes that’s right my friends, Adversity knows no other way of backing away.  You have to commit to kick its butt and in the process become the person you need to be on the other side of the fight.

So I encourage you to pull out your best jabs, upper-cuts, side-kicks and right hooks this weekend and start kicking and swinging like there’s no tomorrow and remember that Adversity is just there to help you Make it GREAT!  So go Make it GREAT!!!!!  YEAHHH!!!!


The foundation of all things great starts with what you BELIEVE in your heart is possible for you.  Nuff said…

Now “believe” it’s possible and go Make it GREAT!


This life has taught me over the years that sometimes the best words can actually be the ones we don’t say.

That’s right friends, in moments of loss or tragedy so many of us can be found guilty of grappling and struggling with articulating the “right” words or profound phrases that will hopefully bring comfort or show others that we care.

Today I submit to you that although our intentions are good, understand that the best words are sometimes absolutely no words at all.  Just being there in the moment and offering your time and tears may say more than any words could ever articulate or actions can demonstrate.  Try it sometime…  🙂

This is just another small breadcrumb to Making it GREAT.  Enjoy…


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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book