Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

In the process of following the Golden Rule by treating other people the way you want to be treated, don’t be surprised if you start to receive some of your own good or bad treatment back at you.

Yes my friends, this timeless rule falls under the undeniable law of reciprocation.  So, if you’re treating people badly with contempt, rudeness, dishonor and disrespect, don’t be surprised when you get the same in return.

But on the other hand, if you’re making a genuine effort to treat people with dignity, compassion, approbation and appreciation, get ready to have your cup running over with the same from those who share the space around you.

So make a point to let others know that you respect them and that they matter.  Look for the good in your neighbor and sincerely compliment it.  Acknowledge that lower-level staff or co-worker and lavish them with recognition and appreciation for what they do.

Think of those things that would bring a welcomed smile to your own face if they were done to you and then make an honest effort to do those same things to others.  These things will no doubt bring reciprocated, positive results back to you.  I call this the “boomerang affect” and it eventually works every time if you give it some time.

This is definitely a breadcrumb that can make a world of difference not only in the lives of others, but also in the life of us too.  So keep leaning forward in the days ahead and be intentional about your application of keeping the Golden Rule, “Golden” and be sure to Make it GREAT!


Have you ever been sitting at a stop light or drive-thru and glanced back in your review mirror at the person sitting in the vehicle behind you to find that they look like they were on their way to having a really bad day?  Did you ever wish that you could do something about it to help turn it around?

Well, it happened to me this morning in a drive-thru line at a Jack-in-the-Box.  I was just minding my own business when I just-so-happened to glance in my rearview mirror and spot a woman behind me who appeared to be in need of a little help from a total stranger.  Well, I’m happy to report that I didn’t pass on my opportunity to get involved and do my part.

So, I told the cashier, “Michelle, I’ll be paying for two meals this morning, mine and the lady behind me.”  She then cracked a Big smile and said, “Ahhh…  That’s so awesome.”  Then I told her to tell the woman to just pay it forward when the time is right.  We exchanged a few more niceties and then I sped off into the distance to maintain my anonymity.

I must admit that I’m a little bit self-centered when it comes to the feeling that I get from engaging in such actions as this.  I got a two-for-one today brightening the mystery-woman’s day and also I’m sure Michelle enjoyed the experience of bearing the good news.

No, this is definitely not my first rodeo as it relates to this type of action and it most definitely won’t be my last.  I’ve learned that being a true giver without want opens us up to receive even more than what we want in this world.  Making a point to cash-in on these types of opportunities is important to me, and the act even makes my day great.

So, what are you going to do the next time your number is called?  Will you be mentally and physically prepared to take action within your small window of opportunity?  Hmmm…  No need to answer out loud, just make us proud and be different then the crowd.

Don’t miss your opportunity to make someone else’s day GREAT and in the process you’re sure to find that you’re making your own day GREAT!

Yep, this breadcrumb of wisdom can make your life so much more fulfilling.  So enjoy as you continue to Make it GREAT!


I’ve got a personal question for you today that may slightly change the way you think about me but I have to ask it anyway.  Do you have a big “but”?  And maybe an even more important question is does your big “but” seem to keep getting in the way of every positive thing you want to do?  Hmmm…

Now, this “but” has absolutely nothing to do with your anatomy but everything to do with your life’s strategy, so give it some careful thought before you answer.

Big “buts” have time-and-time again been the showstopper for accomplishing big things in our life.  Statements like, “I would do this ‘but’…” or “I could do that ‘but’…” have been the difference between those who fly and those who just get-by.  So, if you want to do more than just get-by in this life tomorrow, than you have to commit to make no excuses or ‘ifs’, ‘ands’ or ‘buts’ today.

So get off your bottom, your backside and your big ole’ butt and get-on out there and make it happen.  Start doing some mental calisthenics to get rid of that big “but” if you have one.  Besides, it’s tough to make it GREAT with too much junk in your trunk.  “How do I know this,” you may ask?  Well, let’s just say I’m a recovering “big ole’ but-oholic”.  🙂

NO “BUTs”!  Just do it and Make it GREAT!!!




Some of the greatest rewards ever given has cost the recipient a lifetime of commitment and have only been received on the other side of heaven.  Yes, that’s right friends it’s true that some of the best rewards we will ever receive will never be seen with our earthly eyes.

So continue to do what you do the way you do it and know that the work that you do for others is not in vein even in the absence of approbation and appreciation of man.

Your just reward awaits you in the here-after no doubt and I’m told that it’s worth every ounce of your commitment so keep leaning forward and Making it GREAT!



I read your book almost every day and even though I may not remember many of the stories or events, I do remember how your book makes me feel when I read the entries…” He said as he shook my hand and hugged my neck.  “…It makes me feel like I want to be better and do something nice for somebody.  It also keeps me charged-up and ready to face my day.”

I must admit that I can’t get enough of bumping into people in various places in the community that light-up when they see me because they instantly recall the way my book makes them feel.  I feel so honored and privileged to have been a part of giving them a positive experience in their life.

When I was writing my book “Bread Crumbs to Making it GREAT” I knew that designing it to attract and accommodate the non-reader would be the key to increasing the chances that busy people would be able to read parts of it in the cracks and crevasses of time in their life.

This day-to-day devotional style lends itself to giving you a quick entry based on true personal events that are designed to inspire, motivate, encourage, empower and educate you with a quick message and send you on your way through your day.  Making you T.A.L.L.E.R. was my overall objective:  Think, Act, Laugh, Learn, Excel & Reflect.

Could it be a case of mass hysteria, or, are these hundreds of people actually experiencing something that’s really making a positive difference in their lives?  Hmmm…

Dare to find out for yourself.  Order your copy today and I guarantee that if after 30 days of reading the short content rich entries, if you don’t think it’s creating value for you, just send it back to me for a full refund.  Now who does that?  🙂

Order your copy today and I’ll through in a few FREE bonuses that are sure to help keep you focused day-to-day in a world where noise and chaos is distracting so many others.

Order NOW while the bonus supplies last for this weekend only:

Mr. BreadCrumb wants you to continue to Make It GREAT!

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book