Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

I was having a great conversation with my dad this morning and he reminded my that in the eyes of many we’re only as good as our last favor.  My dad is always good for making statements like this so I wasn’t really surprised when he said it.  But I was surprised how shocking this can be in the moments you experience it first hand.  I must admit there’s nothing shorter in life than the memory’s of those who spend it with their hands out asking for favors.  The last favor tends to fade from their memory rather quickly.  Hmmmm… 

I’m reminded of the words of the late, great 35th President, John F. Kennedy when he said, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”  Profound words that were so simple yet carried so much weight.  I believe we shouldn’t stumble through this life looking for favors, hand-outs and for what others can do for us, but we should find ways to do for others, for it is true that it is far better to be a giver than to be a receiver of those who are willing to give.  

Yes, I understand that most people tend to have short memories and are oftentimes stuck on a “What have you done for me lately?” mode of thinking.  But, the statement and belief that, “We’re only as good as our last favor,” should never be acceptable.  So, don’t make the mistake of letting your actions justify this statement and belief.  

Our communities are in dire need of servant-leaders who aren’t afraid to step up and step out to lead the charge in showing and modeling to others what it means to be a giver of ones time, talents, treasures and tears.  Let us not be guilty of “knowing it” but not “showing it.” 

So, what have you done for someone else lately?  What are you prepared to do today to make someone else’s day great?  No need to answer out loud, just “show me” and make me proud.

This is definitely a breadcrumb to making it Great.

My Book    “Make it GREAT” 


I believe one of the most important lessons I’ve learned when it comes to business and investing is mass hysteria created by greed and fear also creates a diffusion of responsibility and false security amongst the masses.            Yes, the old saying, “There’s safety in numbers,” is true however there can be diffusion, illusion and confusion in numbers too.  I caution you today to be careful not to fall into this infamous trap.  All that glitters isn’t gold, sometimes it’s fools-gold. Just because a feeling and emotion is popular among a group doesn’t necessarily mean the feeling and emotion is correct and the potential risks involved is any less.  The promise of quick fortunes in the absence of effort has claimed many victims with stars in their eyes and excitement on their breath.

Simply put, when the masses appear to be all excited and jazzed up, your caution flag should go up.  I’m sure many savvy professionals will agree this is the time to step away from the fray of it all and begin your own due diligence.  And, don’t be afraid to say “No” and let it go and pass on the opportunity if the facts you find aren’t accurate and in-line.  Yes my friends, the age-old primary emotions that stimulate, motivate and dictate human behavior is still greed and fear the last time I checked.  So be cautious and don’t let it manipulate you into doing something you might later regret when the dust settles.

This breadcrumb can save you a lot of money and undue heartache, stress and pain while on your journey through this “Life” thing.  Trust me I know this breadcrumb extremely well.  Proceed with caution as you attempt to make it GREAT!

My Book   “Make it GREAT”


I dropped by my buddy Brent’s house the other day unannounced and I was greeted at the front gate of his yard by two of his barking dogs.  One was a huge Labradorand the other was a small size mystery mutt.   Brent’s wife Kim, opened the front door and yelled, “Go ahead and open the gate and walk up to the house, but make sure you stay on the cement walk way!”  The thought of following her instructions made me a bit uneasy, so I yelled back, “Are you sure this is okay?”  And she said, “Yeah!  You’ll be alright, just stay on the cement!”  I hesitated a bit more, but eventually I slowly got the courage to open the gate.  

As I was walking on the cement walk way, the dogs kept barking and looking at me with a menacing look but it was if there was some sort of invisible barrier that was holding them back.  I must admit I was a bit bewildered and perplexed by what I was seeing but I kept moving forward.

I eventually reached the front door and safely entered the house without a scratch.  Naturally I was curious to understand what had just happened, so I asked Kim.   She said the dogs used to wear a shock-collar and it would shock them anytime they reached a certain point.  I suddenly realized that even now that they don’t have shock-collars on, they’ve made a mental note that crossing the imaginary line means discomfort.  WOW!!!

Needless-to-say, this got me to thinking of the direct parallel that exists with us humans.  We often times allow our past failures, loss and pain to stop us from pursuing things that are worthy of our best efforts.  Just as the dog is conditioned by shock-collars we can be conditioned by our past failures.   I truly believe that one of the biggest sacrifices a person can make in this life is to settle into a life of average, mediocrity and comfort to avoid the risk of failure, loss or pain.  We were designed and created for sooooo much more.

So a good question for today is,  Are your spoken words and actions worthy of  plagiarism?  Are your  current goals and dreams suitable to be envied?  Are your true intentions in all that you do deserving and befitting a noble and just  man or woman of honor?  Or, has your fear of failure, discomfort and pain conditioned you to play small and focus on helping and inspiring just those who share your last name?  Hmmmm…

These questions can serve as a litmus test for a life that’s destined to do something special.  If the masses aren’t being inspired by your actions, then dare I say you’re leaving sooooo much more on the table of life than you were designed and created to do and be.   Chew on this thought for a bit and decide what’s the next action-step for you if needed.  Don’t let the “Shock-collar” of failure and pain bully you into the corner of comfort and complacency.  Not today.

Don’t plot to kill the messenger on this one today.  I’m just looking to inspire others to make it GREAT!

My Book:      “Make it GREAT”


 When life throws you a curveball, make the necessary adjustments and knock it out the park.  We all should know and understand by now that life is a major-league baseball pitcher throwing missiles down range at us in the form of challenges and changes and they’re not always straight and predictable.  Sometimes they’re knuckles and curveballs.  These unexpected challenges require adjustments in order for us to make bat-to-ball contact. 

So my word to you today is to keep your eye on the ball and what’s important and make the necessary adjustments and knock those suckers out the park!  Our homeruns can only come if we commit to keep swinging the bat.  Let’s keep making it GREAT! 


My Book Make it GREAT is Coming this November.
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There’s been a murder committed and the killer is still at-large.  As a result, it’s with a heavy heart I advise you that the Cedric Crawford you used to know years ago is no longer with us.  It may sound a bit harsh and shocking to most, but he was murdered and killed-off by the new and improved version of Cedric R. Crawford that you now know and see today.  As a result, he no longer acts the same, thinks the same, walks the same and he definitely doesn’t talk the same.  He’s undergone a radical make-over of the mind and reconstructive surgery of his goals and dreams and purpose in this thing called “life”.   This new and improved version of Cedric is determined to heed to his calling and purpose in this life.   His mission is to wake others up to their potential and expose them to the countless possibilities if they’re willing to use their God-given abilities and gifts and stories to serve and create value for others.

In all my years on this planet I’ve yet to see someone receive an award for what they’ve “received” in this life.  It’s always an award for what they’ve “given.”  So the question today is, “What are you prepared to give?”  What gifts are you using to serve or create value for others?  Is it time for you to reinvent and redefine yourself.  Give it some serious thought and do what you feel is necessary.  Even if it means murder.

Yes I’ve shared this thought before, but I feel like it bears repeating to call someone to a necessary action today.  So, start your process today whoever you are and be sure to make it GREAT!

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Make it Great Volume 2 Book