Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

Sometimes we just have to move out of the way and let an idiot be an idiot. (Inspired by a true story…)

Idiot Whisperers don’t exist.

Ok to share if you dare…..


History shows that during the latter part of World War II the great Winston Churchill was approached and presented with an elaborate plan that was sure to be successful in assassinating the outspoken, flamboyant leader of the 3rd Reich, Adolf Hitler. To everyone’s surprise, Winston Churchill shot down the assassination plan in favor of leaving Hitler in power.

Why? Well, it’s quite simple. Hitler had exalted himself to a point where he thought that he believed his existence was “divine” and he could “do no wrong” and he was vehemently refusing to listen to any of the advice of his Generals and leaders. So, Churchill was more than happy to leave him in charge of running his military and country into the biggest loss of the 20th century.

I’ve always had a fascination for WWII and have invested countless hours researching and studying it for I’ve found that there are soooo many lessons to be learned from what took place. As a result, I truly believe that lost is the leader who listens NOT to the advice of his leaders.

You see my friends it’s not good enough to just surround ourselves with great people, it’s also equally as important for us to listen to their unbridled words of wisdom in our best interest as a whole.

Don’t miss the message in this one folks. It’s never too late to start doing what it takes to Make it GREAT! Let’s be that Leader that listens.


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Managers manage, Supervisors supervise and Bosses boss but True Leaders LEAD.

Yes that’s right my friends don’t be duped into believing that all managers, supervisors and bosses are leaders for True Leaders lead from the front in the hunt with sword in hand and are HUNGRY to make a stand for their clan.

So, I encourage you “Leaders” to Lead from the front and Make it GREAT!


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The most compelling dreams of our life’s purpose aren’t always the ones we see when we’re sleeping, they’re often times the one’s that actually keep us from getting any sleep. That’s right folks our Creator would not give us a dream that is not both capable of being accomplished by us and capable of keeping us awake at night.

So think it NOT strange when/if you’re feeling like you’re being haunted by a dream of doing something that can make a significant impact in the world surrounding you. If not you then who, if not now then when, if not here then where and if NOT for this cause then WHAT other would be more worthy of your best efforts?!

I invite you to consider this written message as your final affirmation. A group of unknown people are anxiously waiting for you to do what you know you should do to help them get through so don’t let’em down, not in this life. Now get-on out there and squeeze the juice out of that dormant dream and Make it GREAT!!!


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The ONLY thing that’s more powerful than brute & might is truth & what’s right. So we must be prepared to stand strong against injustice and wrong and not just turn a blind eye and carry-on even if we have to set the tone by standing alone.

This little breadcrumb of wisdom can definitely lead us all to making this “good” life, GREAT! So, let’s NOT wait to start to do our part as we follow our heart.

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book