Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

I was unexpectedly invited to my buddy’s new house a couple of days ago.  He didn’t have any Christmas lights up and his lawn wasn’t exactly perfectly manicured, and no he didn’t live in one of the new developments in town but his home was in somewhat of a gated community.  A gated community of one, that is.

His name is James, aka “Red”.  You see, Red is one of my homeless friends that lives in the sump area of a local park.  I’ve known Red for about a year now and I make a point to see him about once or twice a week to offer him a little bit more than just a word of encouragement.  He is definitely a man that’s still holding on to a bit of his pride and dignity.  He’s not the stand-on-the-corner-and-beg type, however he has had to call me a time-or-two looking for a nudge in the right direction.

This day was special because after dropping off some select items from my pantry and storage closet for the winter, Red invited me to his home for the first time.  He was a bit excited about showing me his new tent that was donated to him.  This was especially exciting for him because his previous tent failed to prevent water from paying him an unwelcomed visit during last week’s rain.  I was equally as excited as I grabbed my trusty little camera and snapped a few shots and headed toward the railroad tracks for the short journey to his gated community.  Upon arrival we didn’t have to punch-in any code to gain entry, but I did have to literally get down on my hands and knees to climb through a 2 x 2 feet opening in a chain-link fence.

Once inside the area I noticed that it’s a huge sump, which is an area with a HUGE whole in the ground that’s designed specifically to collect extra run-off water from the surrounding neighborhood area to prevent flooding.  I dusted myself off and headed on over to his palace.  His Datsun-Chihuahua mix dog “Chubbs” excitedly led the way.  After unloading the goods at his house, we shared a little more small-talk then we both parted ways feeling a little bit better after our encounter.

I must admit that I believe there are few feelings better than the one that comes after being kind to who my favorite book refers to as, “The Least of These.”  I don’t pretend to know what tomorrow holds for my friend Red, but I do know that today once again he saw the face of one who is trying to follow in the footsteps of the guy who shook up the world two thousand years ago.  In fact I’m told that his birthday is just days away.   😉

Creative Kindness is what I call it, and there are sooooo many ways we can all be the hands and feet and the mouth that speaks words of encouragement and hope for a better tomorrow.  I invite you to take action in some way either big or small on a regular basis to shine a light that brightens someone’s day in a special, creative way.  When local organizations fall a bit short, can we count on you to be there to pick-up just a little bit of the slack in your community?  Hmmm…

Don’t miss your opportunity to make this “good” life, “GREAT!

Need a quiet motivative, inspirative companion to ride shotgun with you on your life’s journey to keep you leaning forward with the right attitude and behavior, then you definitely need to order my book, “Bread Crumbs to Making it GREAT.

Order it Today at:

Book Signing Event at Russo’s Bookstore in The Market Place @ 9000 Ming Ave.  1pm – 3pm on December 30th, 2012


Come join me at Russo’s Bookstore between 1pm – 3pm for my book-signing event. Right here in Bakersfield, CA 9000 Ming Ave. in the Market Place on Sunday, December 30, 2012.

Free audio CD and much, much more for the first 50 people. I would looooove for you to come on out and show your support. I can’t wait to meet you. Let’s make it GREAT together.



My oldest brother, Bennie, flew in from Texas to hang out with me for a couple of days not long ago. We stayed up almost all night talking about our childhood memories. Everything from him threatening to kick me out of his car for chewing too loud, to the time I got a good-ole-fashioned but whooping by my Dad with a plastic baseball bat for being outside playing without my crutches after I had broke my leg from being hit by a car.

I reminded him of an event that I will never forget, but he swears he doesn’t remember it. It was my freshman year in high school and he was a Senior. I was super-excited because I had just been invited to our high school’s famous Carnation Ball. To be invited was not a really big deal, but to be a freshman invited by one of the prettiest girls in the school was a HUGE deal.

Her name was Michelle and she was an upper-class, Junior at my high school. (I’m actually getting goose-bumps just remembering the excitement I felt knowing that this was a BIG ordeal.) Once I got home that day, I immediately asked my Dad if it was Ok that I attended the Ball and he said, “Of course, but you’ll have to ask your big brother if he will let you ride in the car with him and his date.” Uughhh!!! Needless to say, I did not like this response, but I had to accept it.

I ran to my big Brother, Bennie, and said, “Please, Please, Please let us ride with you to the Ball, I’ll do anything for you.” And he abruptly, without hesitation said, “NO!” He wasted no time popping my little bubble of excitement and showed no remorse whatsoever as he walked away. I pleaded and pleaded with him but he would not relent. It was as if he didn’t care one single bit about my excitement, because it was “His time to shine.” I look back on that event today and it still makes me upset, but the lesson I take away is that “It just wasn’t my time, yet.” The optimum word is “Yet”.

So, I say to you today that some things just have to happen in their own due time. So don’t pout or get mad or sad, just realize that patience is an under-used virtue and let time do it’s job.

I asked my brother that if he had that choice to make again, what would be his response, and he said, “Still NOPE!” It just wasn’t my time.

It’s funny how some moments in our past can be massively significant to us, but mean absolutely nothing to others that were involved.

Stay focused today and don’t be too anxious and realize that there’s nothing more powerful than a dream whose time has come to be fulfilled. Let’s make it GREAT! In due time……

Oh, I eventually went to several Carnation Balls and had a BALL !!! It was my TIME !!!

There’s dozens-and-dozens of stories like this in my book, “Bread Crumbs to Making it GREAT” that are designed to Inspire, Motivate, Encourage and Educate you on your journey through this thing called “life.”  Order your copy today and join the many, many others who are raving about it’s value and authenticity.   ( e-Book version avail. at )

You can also Follow me on my blog @:


Okay, for all of you e-Book users, the “e-Book” version of Bread Crumbs to Making it GREAT is now available at .  Just another way to Make it GREAT for you success seekers out there trying to be better today than you were yesterday.

Just in time for Christmas, this e-book makes an excellent gift to go with that Kindle you’re getting for that special someone.  Just a few minutes to download then you’re ready to take those breadcrumbs and make them GREAT.

Download your copy today @: 

Or, get your paperback book copy @: 

Make it GREAT!!!


H ave you ever expected something specific and got something totally different? You know, kind of like when you order a cheeseburger and fries at the drive-thru window and you get home to find that you don’t have any cheese on your burger.  Ughhhh!

Well, don’t feel like you’ve been singled out because things like this happens to all of us at one time or another and it’s not just exclusive to the drive-thru window of your local fast-food joint.  This unexpected reality can happen in many areas of our lives and yes this includes the area of marriage and relationships.

I distinctly remember the time when my union between me and my bride, Karen, had the new-car smell over 15 years ago.  I readily admit I had stars in my eyes along with visions of grandeur living the perfect marriage with the perfect mate.  A few things may have been cloudy from the beginning but my expectations were not one of them.  Yes, I knew what I wanted and expected and it was simple.  I expected my wife to be just like my mama.  I can only speculate about what Karen’s expectations were for me but I’m positive she didn’t get fully what she anticipated. More »

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book