Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

Woke up this morning with the lyrics of the 1987 hit song by U2 playing in my head, “But I still haven’t found what I’m looking for…” and it got me to thinking.

Yes this is definitely a Great song by a Great group and it raises a Great question today.  Have you found what you’re looking for?  Or maybe an even better question is, are you even still looking?

The harsh reality is that most people give up on looking for the real reason for why they’re here, and an even harsher reality is that many don’t even bother to look at all.  Hmmm…

If you have yet to find what you’re looking for as it relates to your passion and purpose for being here, I invite you to consider making this your homework for life.  Yes my friends we were all born on purpose for a purpose, so I encourage you today to Find it, Follow it and Forever Feel FREE!

Walking in one’s area of passion and really knowing our purpose can make all the difference in our inner and outer smile throughout the day without question.  In fact, I think you’ll even find yourself walking a little bit taller and breathing a little bit easier when you’re walking in the “know.”  So Find it and Define it and Make it GREAT!

Just a little U2 inspiration for you today to let you know that “You too” can Make it GREAT!  🙂


Just in case you were wondering…

Your Destiny isn’t somewhere in your future tomorrow, it’s trapped inside of you and your daily actions today.

So, as this is true, a good question then would be, what actions or inactions are you choosing today?  What daily disciplines are you practicing NOW that will determine your LATER?  Are you choosing to pass or play an active role in the betterment of your own life?

Give it some thought and understand completely that where you end up tomorrow is as a direct result of what you choose to do today.  So be sure to play all-out in your game of life and make sure your actions and daily disciplines are in-line with Making it GREAT!


Becoming a GREAT Leader is synonymous with becoming a GREAT communicator and becoming a GREAT communicator means you have to adopt some GREAT philosophies and principles and develop a GREAT vocabulary.  And, to adopt some GREAT philosophies and principles and develop a GREAT vocabulary you have to be reading some GREAT books.  Yes that’s right friends, GREATNESS begets GREATNESS.

So, you want to be a GREAT Leader, huh?  Well, what books are you reading lately?  Hmmm…  No need to answer out loud, just make us proud if you want to really stand out from the crowd and Make it GREAT!

Using this breadcrumb of wisdom today can really make all the difference in your outcome tomorrow no doubt.  🙂

Let’s keep grabbing those good books and get on out there and Make it GREAT!  The world needs some GREAT leaders now more than ever before, so let’s not let’em down.


So I was working out for the first time at my friend, Jennifer Wright’s Crossfit Box/Gym today.  This was my first introduction to Crossfit and to top it off, I hadn’t worked out in almost two months so needless-to-say I was feeling a bit out of shape.

I arrived a little bit early to get a feel for the place and had a chance to get debriefed a bit by Jennifer so I wouldn’t look like a complete fool.  After being there for about 15 minutes or so, people eventually started to show up for the 3rd of the 5 sessions they have per day.

I scanned the room for a head count and counted 15 women and just me and another guy named Lonnie.  I immediately approached him for a little male support and advice and he was happy to oblige me.  I must admit that I came to compete but I have to say those ladies were looking pretty fit and ready for action.

So now the stage was set and the anticipation was rising and I was mentally preparing for a ferocious butt-kicking and that’s exactly what I got.

It was 35 minutes of a barrage of several different intense exercises and challenges back-to-back-to-back.  They called it the “Filthy Fifty” but since it was my first day, they gave me a reprieve and I was allowed to do the “Dirty Thirty”.  And, oh yes my old friend Pain managed to show up right on queue.  My enemy better-known-as my “inner-me” also showed up and started trying to talk me out of trying to finish before the allotted time.  “Take it easy, it’s just your first day.”  He said, but I had to yell back at my “inner-me” and let it know that I wasn’t having it.

While my body was going through the fire, my ego was also taking a pounding too when every time one of the ladies said, “Come on Cedric keep moving, you can do it!”  Ughhh!!!  Now, I’m usually the motivator but the tables were definitely turned and now I was the one being motivated by a bunch of feisty, kick-butt, childbearing Mama’s.  LOL…

So, eventually I whispered to myself, “I have five minutes left to complete my last challenge of 30 reps of 24 inch box-jumps.  I can do that with no problem.”  But as I got to rep #5, it became painfully obvious that I’d made the mistake of speaking too soon and this was going to be a lot harder to complete than I thought.  Sweating like a maniac, suffering in pain and feeling faint, 25 reps is going to be impossible without passing out.

Then suddenly my inner competitive voice whispered, “Don’t do 25 reps, just do 1 rep, then another, then another…”  So, reluctantly I did one, then two, then three and before I knew it I could feel a little surge of adrenaline that took me to completion in 34 minutes flat.

YEAH BABY!!!  TAKE THAT Mr. PAIN!!!  Uhhh!!!  I didn’t say those words out loud but I sure thought them.  LOL…  Mission accomplished.

This whole experience reminded me that “Pain” is just one of the many faces and forms of Adversity and it only shows up to make us stronger. That’s why I commonly refer to it as my “Old Friend.”  Yep, the old phrase “No Pain No Gain,” remains evergreen and timeless in its meaning and “Gain” I did today.

Oh…  And Jennifer Wright and Shara Benson!  I’ll be there again tomorrow morning ready to Make it GREAT again.

So what face or form of Adversity are you facing lately?  Hmmm…  I encourage you to dig deep inside and pull out that inner guy or gal that’s designed to help you make great things possible.  Hang in there and squeeze the juice out of your best “you” as you push past the point of pain to Make it GREAT!


Even the greatest of talents, abilities and skillsets in the absence of the proper mindset can leave you upset and that you can bet.

That’s right friends, an old defeat-us mindset can neutralize even the best of skillsets and talents every day of the week and twice on Sundays.

So if this is true, then it only makes sense that getting rid of old limiting mindsets and beliefs should be priority #1 before we seriously consider taking on any worthwhile venture or mission.

So if you’re looking to do something significant or accomplish a worthwhile goal or dream in the coming days, be sure to check your mindset or you may find yourself upset and that you can bet.

Now get-on out there and Make it GREAT!

Need a little mindset upgrade these days or know someone who does?  Then pick up a copy of my book, “Bread Crumbs to Making it GREAT” and see why teachers, preachers and everyday readers can’t put it down.  Order your copy today @:

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book