Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

T here is nothing more exciting and powerful than a dream whose time for fulfillment has come.  This feeling of overwhelming accomplishment is reserved only for those who after several weeks, months or even years have maintained their daily disciplines day-in and day-out not wavering from their belief that one day their applause would come.   They’ve had patience and perseverance in hopes that one day they would eventually have that déjà vu moment in the sun that they’ve dreamed about over and over again.  The joy of just knowing that their sleepless nights were not in vain.  The gratification of knowing that their countless hours and commitment paid off and the satisfaction of realizing the many sacrifices made in their life both big and small were worth it all in the end. 

            Yes, any and all noble and just, worthwhile goals and dreams acted upon with this type of ferocity and undying commitment shifts the question in terms of success from “if” to “when”.  So I say to you today, stay the course my friends, indeed all that you do in plain sight of others and behind the scenes is not in vain.  The time for the fulfillment of your goal’s and dream’s will come soon enough if you resolve today to hang-in-there with your diligent actions until success shows up and you WIN!  Carpe minutam, diem and vitam (Seize the minute, day and life) and make it GREAT! 


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I ’ve observed over the years that the poorly educated are often easily manipulated and violated and victimized due to the lack of the knowledge that would afford them the ability to make better choices and decisions. 

It appears to me “most people” believe that education stops with graduation, but I believe this couldn’t be further from the truth.  For years this belief has been the show-stopper for advancement in the lives of many across the globe.  And many, many more will continue to subject themselves to manipulation and victimization by those who have made it their business to prey on the poorly educated.  There is no doubt that to continue down this slippery slope will ultimately lead to the undoing of once-stable communities all around the world.  So what is the antidote?  Well, it’s quite simple.  Continued, Never-Ceasing, Self-Inflicted Education.

In many cases it may not be entirely our fault that we’ve received inadequate education in the past but I believe it is solely our fault if we don’t intentionally seek out more education for our future.  I believe that we Know-not because we Read-not and we Hear-not because we Listen-not.  Knowledge and education doesn’t have any feet so it can’t walk to us or meet us half-way, we have to go to it and seek it out.

So I invite you today to make the act of seeking out more knowledge, wisdom and education part of your ever-so-important daily disciplines, for the best and most lucrative investment you can ever make is an investment in yourself.  Ignore this universal truth at your own peril.

We only get one time through this “Life” thing so let’s keep seeking the knowledge to make it GREAT!

Better Education = Better Choices = Better Results = Better You = Better LIFE.

Pre-Order the Book Today:  “Make it GREAT


I was having a casual conversation with my friend Michelle recently about some of the inherent perils of the information-driven internet and other content-driven mediums of today.  I absolutely love having adult conversation with like-minded people who are seeking to get better because it always helps me to get better too.

During our conversation I suddenly had one of my “Hallelujah Moments of Clarity” and realized something that we should all be aware of.  So I invite you to consider the following today as you go about your daily, content-creating life.

What we say is not always what other people hear and what we write is not always what other people understand when they read it.  It’s clear to me that every verbal word we speak and written word we write is at the mercy of the interpretation of the reader.  The person on the receiving end of your spoken or written words will ultimately draw their own conclusions (good or not-so-good) based on their prior experiences and current mental mindset. 

So as a result, I feel compelled to offer you a bit of unsolicited advice today.  It would be wise for us to take the time to choose our words wisely before releasing them out into the unforgiving realm of cyberspace.  Not many things can cost you more in this life than the price you could pay for being “Misunderstood”.

Don’t “misunderstand” the words and meaning of my message today as you continue in your efforts to make it GREAT.

The Book:   “Make it GREAT


WARNING! I’ve recently discovered that the phrase, “Before & After” is missing a very important word. The omission of this one word has undoubtedly been the main reason why so many people fall short of their goals.  Yes, many have been ambushed, accosted and victimized by this short, eight-letter, two-syllable word that rhymes with “trouble”. What is this word you ask?  “STRUGGLE“.  

I was talking to my buddy Wayne today about the achilles heel of those who seek to succeed in any endeavor and we both agree that it’s the lack of a healthy appreciation and respect for the “struggle” in between the goal and the dream.  To know Wayne is to love his spirit and passion for helping others succeed in accomplishing their respective goals too.  Many may see his “After” results today, but it carries little or no weight unless you are fortunate enough to see his “Before” results yesterday.  And even more so, to hear his story of the “Struggle” in between gives you even more of an appreciation for his accomplishment.

I caution you today and every day here forward to beware for the “Struggle” always comes before the “After“.  The “Struggle” is what brings about the change that is necessary to achieve the “After”.  The struggle is what adds the intrinsic value to the goal that’s realized after the dust of the struggle has settled. 

So my good word to you today is to be sure to welcome the struggle and embrace the process, and on the other side of the struggle will stand a better man or woman, guaranteed or your money back.  Let’s continue to lean forward on our journey through this thing called life as we attempt to Make it GREAT.

You’re going to LOVE the BOOK, so Pre-Order TODAY:


I don’t believe in magic, but I do believe in magical moments and I’ve realized the minute you come into agreement with that marriage spouse or significant other and make your personal “I” needs and wants secondary to the common cause and shared “We” goals of the team is indeed a magical moment.

Over the years I’ve had the awesome privilege of visiting with several other couples who had at one time been in crisis and were ill-affected by what I call the “I-Me” Syndrome, but later cured the affliction with the “Us-We” Formula.  This “I-Me” Syndrome is really subtle at first, but if left unchecked it can grow into a full-blown, stage-4 relationship killer. 

Many relationships have fallen victim to this not-so-silent killer and there’s absolutely no doubt that there’s many, many more to come.  But there is hope.  So, take heart today and know that the “Us-We” Formula is capable of eradicating and eliminating this disease without prejudice.  

So I invite you today to find something that you and that special someone can do together and make sure that you’re not just on the same page in this “life” and “relationship” thing but also reading from the same book.

Us-We” over “I-Me” is the Key to increasing your chances of winning.  Oh, and this concept is not limited to just relationships, it is equally as impactful in every facet of business and the business of life.  This unsung formula can and will deliver phenomenal results if you just commit to apply it in and on the infected areas of your life, guaranteed or your money back.   🙂

So why don’t “We” go out and create our magical moments by applying this “Us-We” Formula in our lives as we attempt to make it GREAT!

PRE-ORDER THE BOOK TODAY!  You’re going to absolutely LOVE IT!

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book