Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

The best way to increase your chances of succeeding in any business venture is to find out why so many others fail.

As a networker that was fortunate enough to lead a large built-from-scratch organization/team in a top MLM Company, I was afforded the rare opportunity to witness first hand why the overwhelming majority of people in the industry of network marketing fail.  Many may even accomplish quick success only to watch it all gradually and slowly slide away with each passing day.  Well, why is this you may ask?

Well, you can call 911 for a medical emergency and concerns, but for network marketing emergencies and concerns, just simply turn to page 311 in my book, “Bread Crumbs to Making it GREAT.”  It not only talks about the reasons why most people fail, it also gives you a surefire Six-P Formula to determine how to find the right company and partnership for you if you don’t already have one.

Most Network Marketing Professionals will definitely tell you about the vital importance of continuing to develop yourself personally and honestly I can’t think of any other book that would be more fitting to ride shotgun with you on your journey to becoming better every day in every way.  I truly believe that it’s the best personal development juggernaut tool this side of the Mississippi and it can make a HUGE difference in not just your business outcome and results but your team as well.

I’m sooooo confident that you will find this book to be an extremely valuable tool for you that I offer a 60 Day money-back guarantee.  Just order the book on my website and if you don’t agree with the value added, just send it back.

What a great way to kick-off your new year.  It makes an EXCELLENT gift to for that special someone(s) on your team.  Get your copy(ies) today and get on your way to Making it GREAT!!!  (The Book)

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I  was having one of my regular conversations with my 76-year-old, 85 pound, 4 ft 11 inch tall Japanese Master Tailor Iko (pronounced “eeko”) not long ago.  She lives alone by choice and at the ripe age of 75 she says that she lives a simple life full of predictable routine.  Her best friend is a small, Apple-Face Chihuahua named Plum who was the last gift given to her by her husband years ago before he passed away.

Part of Iko’s daily routine is getting up bright and early every morning, seven days a week and walking the neighborhood streets.  She loves and lives for the daily opportunity to walk her usual route with a bag of treats in hand so she can feed the 8 dogs and one cat on her route.

My two Blue-Queensland Healer dogs, Sophie and Cody, are part of her route too.  It makes me smile oftentimes as I watch from the window as my dogs sit patiently watching and waiting for Iko to appear.  Their ears perk up as they hear her footsteps from hundreds of feet away and just like clock-work, she shows up 8:05am.  They greet her every morning with excitement as if it’s their first time all over again.

Iko absolutely loves the reaction she gets from all the pets on her route and she looks forward to it daily.  I think that it’s safe to say that my friend Iko is definitely celebrated everywhere she goes and not merely tolerated.

As you think about how you’re going to make this next year different and better than this one, I invite you to consider the following.  Are you “Celebrated” everywhere you go or are you just “Tolerated”?  Hmmm… Give this one some serious thought and if you’re a manager or supervisor be especially sure that you understand that being a boss doesn’t mean you have to be an unyielding, unapproachable, tyrant with an attitude.

I’ve learned that people love to be around other people who’re positive, motivated, uplifting and encouraging.  The good news is we all can do our part to breath life into our respective environments by building people up and it all starts with the most important component of all, “YOU”.

Be encouraged in the days ahead and be sure to lift others up while you’re climbing.  Iko would definitely say choose to be “Celebrated” and not “Tolerated” and I couldn’t agree more.  It’s amazing that I’ve learned so many big things from such a little woman.   I’m extremely excited that she has allowed me to grace several pages of my book with her presence.

One step closer today than yesterday.  Let’s continue to Make it GREAT!   (The Book)    (The Blog)


Ever heard the phrase, “Two wrongs don’t make a right”? I’ve learned that this is true, but during the innovative and creative process, two wrongs can get you two steps closer to a “right”. So, we must continue to be willing to risk being wrong or failing until we’re right and successful in our respective endeavors.

The Great Thomas Edison is famous for stating that he found thousands of ways that inventing a light bulb didn’t work and continued to persist until he found the one way that did.  He succeeded because he was willing to fail his way to success.  He was willing to be wrong and wrong and wrong again until he was right.

We have received permission to frequently fail forward fast and furiously toward our goals and dreams. Our applause is guaranteed to come sooner or later if we don’t quit.  So stay the course for one more day and make it GREAT! (The Book)


So I tell my wife this morning, “We’re going to co-author a book together.”  Then she says, “Not today honey, I’ve got a headache.”  LOL…  Her quick wit is one of the many things that keeps me coming back for more.  After 18 years of courtship and marriage we still manage to make it work.

I met a new acquaintance at a Christmas Party a few days ago that expressed to me a concern about authors and therapist.  She asked the question, “Is it true that their relationships really are as good as they make them out to be?”  After a couple of seconds of thought, I simple told her that I can’t speak for all however I can speak for me and my wife. More »


So the other night my 10-year-old Chance made it to the District Level to compete in an individual oral language event.  This little guy really does have a knack for handling pressure situations with a gift-like ease and precision.  I wish I would’ve had his kind of confidence and calm-under-fire when I was his age.  Maybe the secret lies in his glasses.  Hmmm…

I wish I could say that the excitement of the event was from watching him take first place and move on to regionals, but nope, he wasn’t in the top three to move on this time around.  However, I must reluctantly admit that one of my most fun things to do at these type of competitive events is to scan the crowd while other kids are performing to see if I can pick out their parents.

Yes, as strange as it may sound, this type of activity serves as a bit of excitement for me and that evening did not disappoint.  This activity has actually become like a game or hunt for me.  Experience has taught me to look for the biggest smile and the brightest eyes and an occasional lean forward at the edge of their seats, then BINGO, I’ve found them.  Honestly I’ve found that the facial expressions and body language of some of the parents are sooooo animated that you would think they were auditioning for a role of the next super hero called “Captain Cheesy” the super hero with the high-brows and the cheesy smile.  LOL.  This really is funny stuff, you should try it sometime.  I’ve had some really funny side-busters lately.    🙂

On a more serious note, I truly believe our Creator views us in the same exact light.  When we’re out there striving to do our best in this “life” thing, I bet he’s smiling, clapping and leaning forward in excitement and anticipation of us doing well and honoring him in the process.  He’s counting on us to do our very best with the gifts He’s given us no doubt.  I’m sure His “cheesy” smile is first to all and second to none.

So I say to you today, let’s not be found guilty  of neglecting our God-given-gifts and talents in this life.  Let’s continue to use them to the best of our ability to help others and show the one who created us that we can be counted on and not counted out.  After all, just like any other parent, He will always be our biggest champion and supporter.  So let’s go make it GREAT!  (My Book)

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book