Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

I’ve realized and recognized that sometimes the best thing we can ever say or do for a child that’s in trouble or is having a struggle is actually nothing at all.

That’s right my friends, sometimes one of the worst things we can do for our kids is to safeguard and shelter them from failure and consequences of their actions. When we’re quick to do this as parents and guardians this action gives them an unrealistic example and expectation of how the real world really works.

Simply put, our duty as trusted “Guardians” is NOT to guard, insulate and isolate them from troubles, struggles and dread, but to prepare, empower and equip them to overcome the difficulties on their road ahead.

So, don’t be so quick to come to their rescue for the silly things they may do. Don’t be so fast to jump to their defense when they’ve committed an offense and didn’t use their common sense. And, don’t be in a hurry to let them hear your voice when they’ve made an unwise choice. After all, experience can oftentimes teach them much better than anything we could ever do for them or say to them.

We must NOT bend the road of life for the child, but equip the child to handle the bends in the road so they too can have a better chance at Making it GREAT!



Ok, time for a little bit of transparency from Mr. Make-it-GREAT. I must admit that I suck at times. Yes I said “I suck”. “I suck at what?” you might ask. Well, honestly I suck at staying down or depressed. I’m simply not very good at it. Yep, there are days that I may feel a little down or depressed or not as fired up about the day, but I have a few secret weapons that I employ when needed and one of the most important weapons in my arsenal is you. Yes, YOU…

This may come as a surprise to some of you but your comments and messages are like a shot of adrenaline to me when I’m feeling less than inspired. So, whether you’ve made one comment or 101 comments, it’s to you I go when I’m feeling low. That’s right my friends I’ve been known to invest an hour or two from time-to-time reading the many thousands of comments, messages, emails and post cards from you who glean some value from what I do. So, to you I say, “THANK YOU”.

Thank you for making me feel like what I do is meaningful and matters and makes a difference to you. Thank you for taking those few moments and minutes to share your thanks and thoughts for my books and blogs and Podcast Pods because yes I do read them all over and over and over again as the clock of the years continue to spin.

So, what weapons do you have in your wallet to use when the ways of this wacky world gets you down? Hmmm… No need to answer the question here, just make sure you’re crystal clear.

Keep those comments coming because I’m sure I’ll need you again real soon. Thanks in advance for continuing to help me Make it GREAT!!!

GREAT DAY young Grasshoppers!!!

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I must admit that I’ve noticed a lot of things on Sunday mornings but one thing I have yet to see on Sunday mornings is freeway traffic jams. Hmmm…

The greatest of all debaters could debate whether or not churches, cathedrals and synagogues are necessary in our society, but at the end of the day, many find common ground in the belief that relationships and a sense of community is a feeling that’s craved and desired by all. As this is true, then what better place to build relationships and community than in a place full of a bunch of flawed individuals that are seeking to be a little bit better today than they were yesterday and looking to spread goodwill and God’s will.

A slogan of “No Perfect People Allowed” seems to be the common theme that reverberates throughout the sanctuaries and synagogues these days and rightfully so. That’s right folks, those who’ve got it all figured out need not apply because these places are built and specifically designed for those who have challenging habits, stressful hang-ups, hurting hearts and yes maybe even a little bit hypocritical at times and are looking for a little bit of hope and help. So, I encourage you to get up and get out and find you a spot that feeds your “inner-me” so you can fight against your “enemy”.

Oh, and for those of you who’re already engaged, for God’s sake please don’t stay in your seats, get out on the streets. Your mission is not in your chairs, it’s showing others that you care. So, get off the benches and get into the trenches and help make this “good” world, GREAT!


Are you being led and fed or just entertained for personal gain? Indeed a tough question that requires a honest answer.

Don’t ever be afraid to question the message of the messenger, even if that message is coming from me.

Don’t wait to Make it GREAT!!!

Ok to share if you dare…


Ah, Ah, Ah, Ahhh… Don’t you even think about it. I know you thought about it recently but I’m not gonna let it happen. “Thought about what?” you may ask. Well, the chances are you thought about throwing in the towel or saying “Uncle” and quitting on that goal or dream you set for yourself a while ago but I’m not gonna let it happen. Not on my watch.

There are some days that you just “don’t fell like it” or the “No’s” and the “No Show’s” are starting to get to you. But take heart my friends and know that this is just part of the process.

So, you gotta ask yourself the serious question of “How many No’s and No Show’s are you willing to take to make it great?” Exactly how many No’s are you willing to endure to get your “Yes”?

Hang-on in there and be sure to set your number high and find a good reason why that makes you cry. Now let’s go Make it GREAT!

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book